Would you let this happen? Would you let this POOR little creature to disappear forever? This is a tortured cow. If this torturing wouldn't stop, what will happen to the animals?
There are so many creatures of Earth that is now endangered and few of their species became, sadly, extinct. Why do you think these happen? It’s because of us. Our greed pushes their kind to death and we almost punctured their numbers. I believe in connections in Biology. If we would kill one animal, it would affect many things. For example, if you would bump with your car a dog of your neighbor; it will die; its owner would be mad on you; he/she would report you and many more connections. What if the owner suicide? Didn't you think those things that might happen?
So many animals are being tortured everyday and many people just ignore this because they are not yet affected, but, what if the time when he/she became very affected? That is the time he/she will only work, but, when she worked, did she change what had happened to him/her? “Ang pagsisisi ay laging nasa hulihan.” Try working out before everything else.
Many people disregard giving protection to ALL animals. Don’t just help your own specie, help also the others. Do you want to live with only your species reigning? The Eden of Earth would be flabbergasted not because of beauty but because of emptiness. Without those poor creatures, why not just destroy the planet? It is nonsense if we would still live without those animals we continue to kill and endanger. Stop being selfish and start acting now!
Time to make a difference, we can still stop this insanely and humanely activities that keeps endangering those animals. Spread the good news to everyone you know. Tell them what you feel about other animals. Start working now. It’s never too late until we stop these things. Do you still want to see more Green Sea Turtles or Giant Pandas? What about the Tiger or the Wombat; The Snow Leopard or our very own, Philippine Eagle? Then, start working now! Protect them now!
Would you still like to see those Arctic fox that is really cute? Or the Tarsier that we, Filipinos could be proud of? Why are we letting this happen? I just recently realize that we don't take appreciation of those little treasures we have. We only take considerations when something bad already happened. What if the race of Pig or Cows disappear because of us? It is not yet visible but for me, all animals threatened by us are endangered even though it is still maintained.
We can all make great things possible. Animals are simply amazing! Would you let these treasures to disappear? We can join organizations that help the animal protection like PAWS, PETA and more! Or just start it inside us. We can help protecting the animals rught now by stopping right now hurting those animals!
Those poor little creatures of Earth depend ONLY on us. Only US have the power to save them from US, also. We did those things that destroy their number and we need to restore it. Moderate our greed, as they said. Will this money you would earn in killing these animals still be worthy if there is nothing to buy? I mean if those cow, chicken, fish and pigs become extinct, will there be food for all except for vegetables and fruits? What if these plants became also extinct because we only not threaten the animals but also the plants? Would this planet be perfect and pretty if there would be only Humans, Bacteria, Fungi and Protists? We can still eat those mushrooms, but not all the times. Bacteria will destroy us if we would not eat nutritious food. Did you get the logic of connection from the endangerment and being extinct of the animals?
Remember that “Only one species will save it all and all species rely only on one specie – think about it”; this is based on the Animal Planet channel. Remember, start working things out, when it is still not too late. We can protect them one by one and everything would go back to normal where Animals live peacefully. Never let the bad effects happen to you. Save them. Love them. Care them. Protect them.
-Carlos Emmanuel A. Quiapo
Let's destroy the animal destroyer!
Save the animals!
Kill the animal-like!
Nice Post!
Ayos din eh!
Protect the animals!!!
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or the World Writing League!
Nice Post!
Protect the animals!
Love the Animals!!
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