Saturday, March 1, 2008

Saving The Wild From Extinction


Being a witness on an upholding wild is so crucial, thinking that they are the first who lived before us is just as hopeless as an dying eagle and with the thought that it's all OUR FAULT. When and how are we going to withstand this kind of situation? mother nature is one of the best blessings that we could ever have but what have we done? killing them and thinking about nothing even of their rights.
Yes, these animals we're so helpful that they fulfill our needs but even though it happens..still we are not contented and so interested to have and control them in the way we want to and so that we are greedy for having them lifeless in our hands and i think it's now time for us to change and payback all the things that we have done to them. If we will just try to picture out how beauty life is because of these living organisms..well, just see that they are a BIG LOST.. Nature is not to be called nature if it doesn't have these animals.
Looking slowly and closely to this butterfly..many things could pop up in our minds, imagining ourselves happily living with these organisms is just so wonderful because they bring color to our lives. We also know that many kind of species of today are extinct and probably gone by the time we open our eyes.. Many would say "And so?as if i care.." with matching rolling of the eyes. But the question is.. until when are we going to care like nothing? maybe when there's already nothing we could kill.
But, Ahem!for the information of the people who knows nothing but to kill innocent animals.. WE ARE ALSO ANIMALS ..but A HIGHER FORM OF ANIMALS.. just try to think of yourself being used for the sake of others isn't it so cruel? that's what the animals also feels ..
So better stop considering yourself as the superior one because when the judgement day comes.. everything's going to be equal.
Love our nature ..because if we need care and love.. they also deserve to be loved and to be cared of .

-Princess Sakura S. Suzuki

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