Yes, YOU CAN HELP. Instead of bothering about stressful stuffs, why now bother about saving the wildlife? When we hear the word wild, isn't it we thought about endangered species? That's why our class is here to promote our mission about achieving to raise the awareness to reduce the demand for threatened and endangered species products and to increase public support for wildlife conservation.
Commonly, many countries including the Philippines lack resources to defend our parks and wildlife against rampant pouching. Illegal wildlife products are still openly traded in many places and countries, with buyers often unaware of the law or of the devastation they are financing. But we can change this in our lifetimes.
Endangered species should be protected at once unfortunately, lack of resources, expertise and political will - combined with unchecked demand - mean that trade regulation and protection of species is often weak.
But as we know, this problem cant be solve without enough finances, that's why we also depend on other alternative ways which cant barely help solving the said problem. Even small amount of help in spreading the awareness would save the wild.
We call for every person's help in saving the wild, for better future. Other people may plan to do this illegal thing for their own benefits but hopefully by now the word was already spread to every mankind.
Every year thousands of endangered animals are killed, for their skins, ivory, fins and other body parts to satisfy the global market for illegal wildlife products. Support the species that are threatened by illegal trafficking each year.
-Danielle F. Estoesta
Saturday, March 8, 2008
You can Help!
Save the World
I have chosen this as my title because I want to contribute and help in saving our environment. As I could observe on what is happening right now many of the spicies are endangered if we will let this happen their species could not be seen by the future generations. First, what are the reasons behind these? for me it is because of the people who continually destroying our environment by means of illegal logging that could be led to the bird out of their place to live for and continually hunting them for food without any reasonable answers. we should not let this happen because many of us will suffer at the end. Just like what happen to Tasmanian wolf, boa, dodo, great auk, passenger pigeon, spectacle cormorant, English wolf and many more. I am really disappointed because they sacrifice their own lives just because of technologies and progress, it is not bad if we are in a good status right now but we could not see all of the disadvantages that this progress could bring. Before I end this, I would like to leave a message,"We have no right to treat these organism like that way, remember that we are here to take good care of them. God gave us all these things to take good care for and we are not the owner of this world, God just let us to use this bacause he loves us. Take good care of our environment and don't abuse it because at the end we will also regret the effects of the things that we have done."
-Kristoffer Paul P. Evangelista
Friday, March 7, 2008
Palawan Porcupine
It is an endemic species restricted in the Palawan Faunal Region. It has been recorded in the islands of Busuanga, Calauit, Coron and on the Mainland at the Puerto Prinsesa Subterranean River National Park and the forested areas of El Nido.
This animal has no natural enemies. I just guess only humans has a bad attitude will be their enemy. Those are the people who will kill or catch this animals enable just to have a stuffs for themselves. We know that, we used to kill animals to be our food but have you ever given a thought that, what if these Durians will be all kill and used it for other stuffs. That is not a good idea! They are few Durians, then you will just eat it?
If you are a good citizen of the world. You will help our Mother Earth! Instead of putting animals in dangered. Lets take good care of them. So, the next generation can still see it.

-Tricia Mariel Lacson
Time Travel

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Let's Love Them
For me the Animal Kingdom is one of the most diverse kingdoms we have. As far as I know, it is divided into 2 types, the vertebrates and the invertebrates.
-Talitha Mary Ricafort
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Wildlife Conservation
According to my research,wildlife conservation is the wise management of natural environments for the protection and benefit of plants and animals. Some species of plants and animals nowadays have become extint because of nature causes.However in modern times, the activities of Homo sapien sapiens and human population growth have increased the danger for wildlife. Because of that some species have declined greatly in numbers and others are now extint.
Through out history, wildlife had suffered much because of us, humans, and our activities such as kaingin, Forest fire, deforestation, and others. The invention of increasingly efficient weapons, such as the bow and arrow, up to the rifles, sutguns and bombs,enabled people to kill game with increasing ease. With the help of the advances, hunters have killed off same kind of animals.People also have cleared forests, drained swamps, and dammed rivers to make the agricultuer cleared and industry. This activities severely harmed and destroyed many habitats of animals. In addition, humans pollution of the environment has affected many wild species.
Gosh, I feel like we are now a destructive weapons to the wildlife...
-Ryan Charles A. Rebulanan