Sunday, March 16, 2008

Animals have Feelings too, so Respect Them!

And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds . . . let the land produce vegetation, seed-bearing plants and trees that bear fruits with seeds in them according to their various kinds. -Genesis 1:11,24

Our planet Earth is the only living Earth. Many living organisms and species live here not only us human but also the animals. Animals have feelings like us, so let’s respect them, as the way they respect us!

Many evolutions happened in this world and animals are the first one to live here on earth. Animals nowadays are already endangered and much worst they are now extinct! The reason behind why this continue to happen is because we human only care for our sake, we do lots of human activities that causes death to some animals like illegal hunting, deforestation, muro-ami, dynamite fishing, etc.

Illegal hunting is a prohibited act. This causes fatality of animals. This illegal hunters hunt innocent animals in their habitats for their own needs and much worst they sell it for a high price. Pity on animals because even though that some of them are endangered, people still hunting them. Another one is the Muro-Ami. Muro-Ami is is also a banned activity. In this activity many habitats(corals) of aquatic animalsare destroyed. And we all know that corals are very important to this marine species because this is where they reproduce, live etc. If this habitats are destroyed no fishes and if no fishes, there's no sardines,fish fillet,fried tilapia etc. We will also suffer if we continue to do this. Deforestation is also a destroyable act. It is forbidden activity too. In this case many trees(in which where arboreal animals live) will burn, just to build subdivision for us. What a sad thing to hear because it seems like we only care for ourselves. We are not the one who are suffering the consequences when we do wrong acts, but animals are the one suffering. Let's not only think that we are the only living organism living here, think also that animals are living here.

Before, our world has plenty variation of mammals but as ecological succession goes on, these species that was born before us are continuously lessening. We destroyed there habitats and much more we killed them.We should know our limitations in this world. ANIMALS HAVE FEELINGS TOO, SO LET’S RESPECT THEM!

-Olivevic E.Egar

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