Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Glimpse of today...A picture of tomorrow...

We have many animal species living in this world.But more than 1000 of these are endangered worldwide. Examples of these endangered species are the Siberian Tiger, the Southern Sea Otter, the snow leopard, and thousands of other animals.
There are many causes of endangerment in this world. There are diseases, pollution, habitat destruction, over exploitation, and illegal hunting! An example of over exploitation is the unrestricted whaling during the 20th century. The whaling industry brought many species of whales to extremely low population sizes.
We have to save these endangered species.Help protect them.Imagine the future generations not even getting a glimpse of today's animals.While we see them right with our own eyes, the future kids could just only stare at these animals from picture books.
Not yet too late.Each of us can do our share.Our shared efforts in protecting the lives of those endangered species will mean treasure awaiting the future generation.

Endangered Species will survive with YOUR help!!!

Spread the word about endangered Species and increase public awareness!!!
-Aracelli Kyle Anne B. Lenchico

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