Life on Earth is in the throes of a new wave of mass extinction, unlike anything since the demise of the dinosaurs. In the last 500 years, 844 species - like the passenger pigeon, auk, thylacine, and quagga - are known to have died out, and up to 16,000 others are now known to be threatened. Two thirds of turtles could be gone by the 2025, great apes have recently declined by over 50% in parts of Africa, half of marsupials and one in three amphibians are in jeopardy, and a staggering 40% of Asia's plants and animals could soon be lost.
But this may only be a fraction of the true number facing extinction. Though only 1.5 million species have been described, there could be between 5 to 30 million in total. Of these, some experts predict that one could be falling extinct every 20 minutes - or 27,000 a year.
Conservationists argue that humans have an ethical obligation to protect other species, that diversity and natural beauty are highly prized by mankind, and that biodiversity is a vital resource: we rely on ecosystems to provide food, oxygen and natural resources, recycle wastes and fertilise soils for agriculture. The total value of services provided to man by nature has been estimated atann $33 trillion annually..
For this project in science, I covered about some of the endangered species around the world.Great apes in africa began
to fade away because of human's carelessness.Many of
us ignore about the issues of latest endangered species and neglect them instead of adopting or saving them,worse,
many people kills them.I've chose this topic because i want myself and to all of you to be aware about the condition
of our animals today.Remember,they are also living things-and they expect that we will respect them too. Cows, turtles, pigs,and some animals sacrifice their lives to give us what we need,,clothes,...and others.We must respect them
in little ways such that we can show them that we are respecting them too.I hope that you learned a lot from my research
and my reaction too on how we must be aware of our surroundings with enough knowledge, wisdom and respect for
every living being. PROMOTE ANIMAL RIGHTS!!!!!
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