Friday, March 14, 2008

We Can Save Them!

Endangered species are plants and animals species that are in danger of extinction,the dying of all individuals of its species or in short the total disapprearance of the species itself. There were over 19,000 plant species and 5000 animal species around the globe are classified as endanged, and many of those become extinct every year even before we know it. No more than one-tenth of the estimated 10-50 million of species of invertebrate have been described. There are primary causes of extinction and sadly most of it are done by humans.

One cause of extinctionis by habitat destruction. Mostly we develop forests for subdivisions and other economical improvement without knowing that we are already destroying thei habitats. Second example is commercial exploitation or the illegal hunting of animals and trading or selling their parts. And most of all pollution, causing the environment to change and the animals will not be able to adopt to the new environment causing their death.

The irrevesible loss of biodiversity will greatly affect on the remaining species, including humans for their survival. Us humans depend on other species for food,clean air and water,and fertile soil for our crops.We benefit greatly from the many medidines and other products biodiversity provide us.

There are also many ways to prevent more species to be endangered. Many group of conservationists help to keep animal and plant habitats safe and being turned into sanctuaries.There are also laws on animal protection.If we look at it there are really many ways to stop species to be endangered,we should just be responsible and be more concerned to the biodiversity.

-Fatima Bianca Acuña

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