Sunday, March 2, 2008

Wildlife Conservation

According to my research,wildlife conservation is the wise management of natural environments for the protection and benefit of plants and animals. Some species of plants and animals nowadays have become extint because of nature causes.However in modern times, the activities of Homo sapien sapiens and human population growth have increased the danger for wildlife. Because of that some species have declined greatly in numbers and others are now extint.
Through out history, wildlife had suffered much because of us, humans, and our activities such as kaingin, Forest fire, deforestation, and others. The invention of increasingly efficient weapons, such as the bow and arrow, up to the rifles, sutguns and bombs,enabled people to kill game with increasing ease. With the help of the advances, hunters have killed off same kind of animals.People also have cleared forests, drained swamps, and dammed rivers to make the agricultuer cleared and industry. This activities severely harmed and destroyed many habitats of animals. In addition, humans pollution of the environment has affected many wild species.
Gosh, I feel like we are now a destructive weapons to the wildlife...

-Ryan Charles A. Rebulanan

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