Throughout the world, concern citizens pushes those ideas that might really help our Earth. Please help those people that helps our home. It is also for us. We must reconstruct what we destroyed. It's a good thing if only we, humans, are living here, but not. There are also animals and plants who re in need of home but do not have any capabilities of reconstructing it because they do not have any capabilities of destroying it unlike us. Please help lessen the global warming. Simple acts can make a difference!
-Carlos Emmanuel A. Quiapo
Monday, April 21, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Hurry up!
There are many different kinds of animals everywhere,
some of them which we do not notice or maybe we don't
care at all. Honestly, I'm one of those types, the ones who
doesn't care or even bother about animals but
when we get to study about the animals in Biology,
my perception with animals changed.
I've barned that they're important in this world, even
the little ones.
Back then, the only important for me are the common or
domesticated types of animals like dogs, cats fishes and
the like.
I've just realized that there is some animals
who need most of our help.
The endangered species.
I think, we must act now before it was too late.
-Nadine D. Santos
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
A Glimpse of today...A picture of tomorrow...
There are many causes of endangerment in this world. There are diseases, pollution, habitat destruction, over exploitation, and illegal hunting! An example of over exploitation is the unrestricted whaling during the 20th century. The whaling industry brought many species of whales to extremely low population sizes.
We have to save these endangered species.Help protect them.Imagine the future generations not even getting a glimpse of today's animals.While we see them right with our own eyes, the future kids could just only stare at these animals from picture books.
Not yet too late.Each of us can do our share.Our shared efforts in protecting the lives of those endangered species will mean treasure awaiting the future generation.
Endangered Species will survive with YOUR help!!!
Spread the word about endangered Species and increase public awareness!!!
Because of Us
Today, many of our species are endangered or even extinct. Do you know why? It is because of us. Because of our own needs. We use them to fulfill it.
At times, we should also be concerned about what will happen if they were endangered or most especially extinct. They were not created for us to kill them. They were created by God for us to be with them in this world. We share this world with them, so that’s not make us superior. Because of us, we make them feel that they are inferior. But that’s not right, we are all equal when we were created by God. God sees all his creations as equal.
So let us stop hunting and killing species. Just because of our needs like power or fame, we hurt other’s feelings. We’re like killing our own family. Because of us they are feeling hurt. Because of us…
-Mary Lhyra Joy P. Gegato
Monday, March 17, 2008
Because of Us
As what I've researched and as we all know, plants and animals are responsible for lots of useful medications. they help, not only US (human), but even other species or animals. And they also are a factor of pharmaceutical industry since 40% of prescription today are from natural compounds of different species here on Earth. We still lose 100 species daily, though.
Hmm.. in Ecology, however, they also play a crucial role for they are the foundation of healthy ecosystems. We, humans, depend on them, too. endangerment of these species is a gauge that the health of these ecosystems is about to unravel.
As what we've all learned this year, everything is connected. if species will begin its countdown then sooner or later, we'll all be affected. So, we better start saving them now before it's too late. :)
-Patricia Jamie Muli
Sunday, March 16, 2008
An Endangered Animal
The African elephant (Loxodonta africana) is the largest living animal and weighs up to 5400 kg. it in habits the Savannah, brush, forest, rivers, valleys and semi-dessert regions of Africa south of the Sahara dessert. Besides it's greater size, it differs from the Asian Elephant in having larger earsand tusks, a sloping forehead, and "two" fingers at the tip of it's trunk, compared to only one in the Asian species. As vegetarians, elephants require much food, sometimes consuming more than 225 kg of plant matter a day. Their trunk is employed to pull branches off trees, uproot grass, pluck fruit and to place food on their mouths. In both sexes, the two incisor teeth of the upper jaw grow to form tusks and it is for the ivory, used at one time in the manufacture of piano keys, billiard balls and other objects that hunters have slaughtered thousands of this magnificent animal.
Think of it this piece of art from GOD is already endangered and maybe in the future will be extinct. Are we humans bothered?! I guess, not. We are just always thinking of our own good. this African elephant didn't harm us and just lives as it was in the past hundred years yet we are harming them.
This animal made history as it is stated above, the largest living land animal. Let us also think that they are free to live in this world... It was endangered now because its incisor teeth which is ivory was used in making piano keys and billiard balls. Why of all materials that we have in this world is used the incisor teeth of this animal?! Is it because it is much better from all other materials?! We never think that if we were in their situation, will be happy?! Of course, NOT!!! Let the animal live as they used to be.
For me I predicted that it is possible that this animal will be extinct in the near future because people are always thinking about themselves. I just want to say to those people who are buying things that are made by this animal STOP BUYING it! because if their are no persons who are buying it their will be no manufacturers. Hope that we humans stop this... In simple ways let us save the endangered animals.
-Angelou Claudine C. Salvador
DNA extracted from a extinct animal
Schuster and Miller, working at Penn State's Center for Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics, and Gilbert, from the Center for Ancient Genetics at the University of Copenhagen, led a team of collaborators that includes a large group of researchers and museum curators from the United States, Russia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
This team obtained 10 woolly mammoths' hair.But before this, only seven mitochondrial genomes from extinct animals had been published: four from ancient birds, two from mammoths and one from a mastodon.
A mitochondrial genome is a genetic material of the mitochondria.DNA from bones and muscles is usually contaminated with the DNA from other sources thus limiting it's usefulness in scientific studies.This reason drives them to extract the genetic material from the hair of the organism.
Several of the hair samples investigated were up to 50,000 years old. One of the samples came from the first specimen ever recorded: the so-called Adams mammoth, found in 1799 and dug out of the permafrost between1804 and 1806 by the botanist Michael Adams and members of the Tungus tribe.
-David Nimrod Ude N. Navalta
Animals have Feelings too, so Respect Them!
Our planet Earth is the only living Earth. Many living organisms and species live here not only us human but also the animals. Animals have feelings like us, so let’s respect them, as the way they respect us!
Many evolutions happened in this world and animals are the first one to live here on earth. Animals nowadays are already endangered and much worst they are now extinct! The reason behind why this continue to happen is because we human only care for our sake, we do lots of human activities that causes death to some animals like illegal hunting, deforestation, muro-ami, dynamite fishing, etc.
Illegal hunting is a prohibited act. This causes fatality of animals. This illegal hunters hunt innocent animals in their habitats for their own needs and much worst they sell it for a high price. Pity on animals because even though that some of them are endangered, people still hunting them. Another one is the Muro-Ami. Muro-Ami is is also a banned activity. In this activity many habitats(corals) of aquatic animalsare destroyed. And we all know that corals are very important to this marine species because this is where they reproduce, live etc. If this habitats are destroyed no fishes and if no fishes, there's no sardines,fish fillet,fried tilapia etc. We will also suffer if we continue to do this. Deforestation is also a destroyable act. It is forbidden activity too. In this case many trees(in which where arboreal animals live) will burn, just to build subdivision for us. What a sad thing to hear because it seems like we only care for ourselves. We are not the one who are suffering the consequences when we do wrong acts, but animals are the one suffering. Let's not only think that we are the only living organism living here, think also that animals are living here.
Before, our world has plenty variation of mammals but as ecological succession goes on, these species that was born before us are continuously lessening. We destroyed there habitats and much more we killed them.We should know our limitations in this world. ANIMALS HAVE FEELINGS TOO, SO LET’S RESPECT THEM!
-Olivevic E.Egar
Our Hallow Nature
Our Nature today is being extinct and we can’t find any solutions how to stop it.
Like the illegal loggers, quarrying, etc. We didn’t know why they not stopping that kind of things to do. I think we must help the nature before they leave us.
But how we can help? So that’s what I am telling to you, find ways to help our nature and preserve it. Think positive, think clearly in our minds that we can help to preserve and keep the nature clean.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Make A Big Difference
How can a species be endangered?
Endangered species are plant or animal species that are fastly decreasing in population and is highly possible to be extinct.It is very alarming to know that many kinds of species becomes endangered and almost every year becomes extinct.Even here in Philippines, many kinds of species are considered already as endangered species such as, our very own Philippine Eagle,tamaraw and the Philippine turtle.
Sad to say,majority of the reasons of these species to be endangered is causes by no other than us humans.We humans are the one who causes polution that causes the Greenhouse effect that ruins their adaptations to their environment.And most of all we are the one who hunts them illegaly to trade them.
And to stop other species to be endangered and to prevent endangered species to be extinct.Us humans can do things that can help them.Even simply planting a tree on your backyard can help the birds to have a shelter and also to clean our polluted air.By simply throwing your trash on the trashbin and not on the river can help the fishes have a clearer and cleaner shelter underwater.
So take the challenge and do simple things to MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE!
-Paul Russell Palaypay
It is Possible!
What is endangered species? It is the species whose numbers are so small that the species is at risk of extinction. As we all know,endangered and extinct species has a life.A life is an asset of real value of human effort and sacrifice.In our time today, there are species that is really endangered.Don't you think that we, people who used to see them should take good care of them?We should do it not only for our selves but also to them.
More then 13 million species remain to be discovered in the world.More than 16,100 are likely to become extinct.Their natural ecosystems are vanishing at an alarming rate. By means of preserving, we can help them!Let's say that lets make a sanctuaries for them.So, they can be able to reproduce and their species can be multiplied again.
We should not harm the endangered species instead, we should help them!If they will not be save there's a posibility that no one will left alive for the next generation.
- Kenneth Noel Borlongan
White Tigers
Friday, March 14, 2008
Why do Animals Get Extinct
The people today are hunting animals in the jungle so they can put it in the zoo
and some of people hunt them for food i have only one thing to say do not harm
ther ofspring so they can reproduce them self if we stop killing inocent animals
they will not fight back just leave them alone in there nature so they can live peacefuly
in ther own habitat.
Promote Animal Rights!
Life on Earth is in the throes of a new wave of mass extinction, unlike anything since the demise of the dinosaurs. In the last 500 years, 844 species - like the passenger pigeon, auk, thylacine, and quagga - are known to have died out, and up to 16,000 others are now known to be threatened. Two thirds of turtles could be gone by the 2025, great apes have recently declined by over 50% in parts of Africa, half of marsupials and one in three amphibians are in jeopardy, and a staggering 40% of Asia's plants and animals could soon be lost.
But this may only be a fraction of the true number facing extinction. Though only 1.5 million species have been described, there could be between 5 to 30 million in total. Of these, some experts predict that one could be falling extinct every 20 minutes - or 27,000 a year.
Conservationists argue that humans have an ethical obligation to protect other species, that diversity and natural beauty are highly prized by mankind, and that biodiversity is a vital resource: we rely on ecosystems to provide food, oxygen and natural resources, recycle wastes and fertilise soils for agriculture. The total value of services provided to man by nature has been estimated atann $33 trillion annually..
For this project in science, I covered about some of the endangered species around the world.Great apes in africa began
to fade away because of human's carelessness.Many of
us ignore about the issues of latest endangered species and neglect them instead of adopting or saving them,worse,
many people kills them.I've chose this topic because i want myself and to all of you to be aware about the condition
of our animals today.Remember,they are also living things-and they expect that we will respect them too. Cows, turtles, pigs,and some animals sacrifice their lives to give us what we need,,clothes,...and others.We must respect them
in little ways such that we can show them that we are respecting them too.I hope that you learned a lot from my research
and my reaction too on how we must be aware of our surroundings with enough knowledge, wisdom and respect for
every living being. PROMOTE ANIMAL RIGHTS!!!!!
We Can Save Them!
One cause of extinctionis by habitat destruction. Mostly we develop forests for subdivisions and other economical improvement without knowing that we are already destroying thei habitats. Second example is commercial exploitation or the illegal hunting of animals and trading or selling their parts. And most of all pollution, causing the environment to change and the animals will not be able to adopt to the new environment causing their death.
The irrevesible loss of biodiversity will greatly affect on the remaining species, including humans for their survival. Us humans depend on other species for food,clean air and water,and fertile soil for our crops.We benefit greatly from the many medidines and other products biodiversity provide us.
There are also many ways to prevent more species to be endangered. Many group of conservationists help to keep animal and plant habitats safe and being turned into sanctuaries.There are also laws on animal protection.If we look at it there are really many ways to stop species to be endangered,we should just be responsible and be more concerned to the biodiversity.
-Fatima Bianca Acuña
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Endangered Species in Kingdom Animalia
Endangered species are group of organisms that are in danger of exinction, either because they depleted in number or threatened by changes in their environment. Endangered species are classified into two types: (a) critically endangered species which faces an extremely high potential of extinction in the future; (b) endangered species which has high potential of extinction in the near future. Critically endangered species has higher risk of becoming extinct as stated by the World Conversation UNION than the endangered species.
In the Kingdom Animalia, species such as Cheetah, Blue Whale, Tiger, Snow Leopard and African Wild Dog are considered to be endangered. Scientists believed that these species become extinct for two main reasons: (a) human hunting; (b) changes in climate. Overhunting of humans caused animals to be exinct. It greatly decrease the number of animals especially those in the wild.
To date, there are many organizations that handle or support the preservation of these animals from becoming extinct by imposing acts and laws that prohibit overhunting. These laws protect animals by rehabilitation and providing means for them to reproduce. Organizations and concerned people prevents these endangered species from becoming extinct so that the next generation will still see the beauty of what our Creator has given us.
-Kathleen April Borja
The Extinct Animals
-Jomar Paul Fernandez
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Open Your Eyes
"Open Your Eyes!!"
-=:+"WILD LIFE"+:=-
Whenever I hear the word wild life, the first thing that comes out of my mind would be the life of the animals, their situation in our world today. How was the animals today? their situation is worse now at a days. Why? It is simply because there are still illegal hunters that kill them and make some furnitures out of them, get their skins and furs and make come clothes out of it and get their flesh and send it to the town and sell it to have some money. Haven't they realized that we already have fishes, cows and pigs to eat. Aren't they satisfied about those animals that we can eat? Right now, people are eating different kinds of animals. They eat rats, frogs, dogs, cats, bats, snakes and etc.. Where is the mercy? Animals also have feelings and they also have the right to live and enjoy their lives like us humans. All living things that GOD created here on earth has the right to live. We humans do not own the earth, we should think that there are other living things like animals and plants that also lives here on earth. Do not be selfish! Treat them right and take care of them!
GOD gave us these things to use it but we should not forget to take good care of them and we do not own these stuffs. We are not the owner of the earth so do not abuse the right for these things, animals and plants.
SAVE our environment from these stuffs. Many people today are destroying our environment. If we really love our MOTHER EARTH, we should be united and be cooperative. Don't just seat their and relax! Instead be aware of the things that is happening in our environment today! Get busy in saving our mother earth.
Save our environment and let the next generation see the beauty of life. Save the animals that are now endagered.
The only problem to us humans is that even though we now that the animal is already endagered. We just still don't mind them. Whenever other people sa a news about the endagered species, they just don't care because maybe for them that animal is not useful to our environment.
Illegal loggers are still in place. They are destroying the environment and the homes of the birds and other animals that also lives on trees. Trees are very useful to us too. If there would be no trees, there is a possibiltity that we might lack of oxygen and shed for the rays of the sun that is very dangerous to us. Just realize that all these stuffs that we do to animals and our environment there is a certain karma for us.
If we loose these animals, just think of the possibilities that might happen to us. Without them, we cannot live life to gthe fullest and we will suffer all the consequences that will come back to us! Do you want it to happen??? So what are you doing??? Don't just seat there and wait for someone to do the first move. Instead why don't you do the first move and be a model for other people? Do the first move and call others and make them realize that the wild life needs us! Be the first one to move! There is nothing to be ashamed of.....
-Dianne L. Capellan
The Californian Condor
We share this planet with many species. It is our responsibility to protect them, both for their sakes and our own.
Hello!this is my reaction about the extinction of the Californian Condor.The cause why this Condor extinct is because of the last ice age that affects the reduction of the popoulation of this spicies.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
You can Help!
Yes, YOU CAN HELP. Instead of bothering about stressful stuffs, why now bother about saving the wildlife? When we hear the word wild, isn't it we thought about endangered species? That's why our class is here to promote our mission about achieving to raise the awareness to reduce the demand for threatened and endangered species products and to increase public support for wildlife conservation.
Commonly, many countries including the Philippines lack resources to defend our parks and wildlife against rampant pouching. Illegal wildlife products are still openly traded in many places and countries, with buyers often unaware of the law or of the devastation they are financing. But we can change this in our lifetimes.
Endangered species should be protected at once unfortunately, lack of resources, expertise and political will - combined with unchecked demand - mean that trade regulation and protection of species is often weak.
But as we know, this problem cant be solve without enough finances, that's why we also depend on other alternative ways which cant barely help solving the said problem. Even small amount of help in spreading the awareness would save the wild.
We call for every person's help in saving the wild, for better future. Other people may plan to do this illegal thing for their own benefits but hopefully by now the word was already spread to every mankind.
Every year thousands of endangered animals are killed, for their skins, ivory, fins and other body parts to satisfy the global market for illegal wildlife products. Support the species that are threatened by illegal trafficking each year.
-Danielle F. Estoesta
Save the World
I have chosen this as my title because I want to contribute and help in saving our environment. As I could observe on what is happening right now many of the spicies are endangered if we will let this happen their species could not be seen by the future generations. First, what are the reasons behind these? for me it is because of the people who continually destroying our environment by means of illegal logging that could be led to the bird out of their place to live for and continually hunting them for food without any reasonable answers. we should not let this happen because many of us will suffer at the end. Just like what happen to Tasmanian wolf, boa, dodo, great auk, passenger pigeon, spectacle cormorant, English wolf and many more. I am really disappointed because they sacrifice their own lives just because of technologies and progress, it is not bad if we are in a good status right now but we could not see all of the disadvantages that this progress could bring. Before I end this, I would like to leave a message,"We have no right to treat these organism like that way, remember that we are here to take good care of them. God gave us all these things to take good care for and we are not the owner of this world, God just let us to use this bacause he loves us. Take good care of our environment and don't abuse it because at the end we will also regret the effects of the things that we have done."
-Kristoffer Paul P. Evangelista
Friday, March 7, 2008
Palawan Porcupine
It is an endemic species restricted in the Palawan Faunal Region. It has been recorded in the islands of Busuanga, Calauit, Coron and on the Mainland at the Puerto Prinsesa Subterranean River National Park and the forested areas of El Nido.
This animal has no natural enemies. I just guess only humans has a bad attitude will be their enemy. Those are the people who will kill or catch this animals enable just to have a stuffs for themselves. We know that, we used to kill animals to be our food but have you ever given a thought that, what if these Durians will be all kill and used it for other stuffs. That is not a good idea! They are few Durians, then you will just eat it?
If you are a good citizen of the world. You will help our Mother Earth! Instead of putting animals in dangered. Lets take good care of them. So, the next generation can still see it.

-Tricia Mariel Lacson
Time Travel

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Let's Love Them
For me the Animal Kingdom is one of the most diverse kingdoms we have. As far as I know, it is divided into 2 types, the vertebrates and the invertebrates.
-Talitha Mary Ricafort
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Wildlife Conservation
According to my research,wildlife conservation is the wise management of natural environments for the protection and benefit of plants and animals. Some species of plants and animals nowadays have become extint because of nature causes.However in modern times, the activities of Homo sapien sapiens and human population growth have increased the danger for wildlife. Because of that some species have declined greatly in numbers and others are now extint.
Through out history, wildlife had suffered much because of us, humans, and our activities such as kaingin, Forest fire, deforestation, and others. The invention of increasingly efficient weapons, such as the bow and arrow, up to the rifles, sutguns and bombs,enabled people to kill game with increasing ease. With the help of the advances, hunters have killed off same kind of animals.People also have cleared forests, drained swamps, and dammed rivers to make the agricultuer cleared and industry. This activities severely harmed and destroyed many habitats of animals. In addition, humans pollution of the environment has affected many wild species.
Gosh, I feel like we are now a destructive weapons to the wildlife...
-Ryan Charles A. Rebulanan
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Let's Say Goodbye!
Saving The Wild From Extinction
Yes, these animals we're so helpful that they fulfill our needs but even though it happens..still we are not contented and so interested to have and control them in the way we want to and so that we are greedy for having them lifeless in our hands and i think it's now time for us to change and payback all the things that we have done to them. If we will just try to picture out how beauty life is because of these living organisms..well, just see that they are a BIG LOST.. Nature is not to be called nature if it doesn't have these animals.
Looking slowly and closely to this butterfly..many things could pop up in our minds, imagining ourselves happily living with these organisms is just so wonderful because they bring color to our lives. We also know that many kind of species of today are extinct and probably gone by the time we open our eyes.. Many would say "And so?as if i care.." with matching rolling of the eyes. But the question is.. until when are we going to care like nothing? maybe when there's already nothing we could kill.
But, Ahem!for the information of the people who knows nothing but to kill innocent animals.. WE ARE ALSO ANIMALS ..but A HIGHER FORM OF ANIMALS.. just try to think of yourself being used for the sake of others isn't it so cruel? that's what the animals also feels ..
So better stop considering yourself as the superior one because when the judgement day comes.. everything's going to be equal.
Love our nature ..because if we need care and love.. they also deserve to be loved and to be cared of .
-Princess Sakura S. Suzuki
The Devil Frog
Good day ladies and gents! This article of mine talks about the ancient amphibian named the “devil frog”. The “devil frog” is an endangered species that lived in Madagascar in the late 65 million to 70 million years ago. This amphibian is named Beelzebufo ampinga. This prehistoric frog is so big that some say it may have dined on a new born baby dinosaur.
Scientist discovered this creature on February 19, 2008 by a paleontologist named Dr. David Krause. He led a team who discovered and found the fossils of the enormous amphibian on the African island. They say that this fossil weighed 10 pounds, and it is around 16 inches long. The incredible body structures of this amphibian is the one of the most interesting thing about this amphibian, it is sported a protective shield, a very wide mouth, and very powerful jaws. Dr. David Krause said that “It’s not outside the realm of possibility that Beelzebufo took down lizards and mammals and even smaller frogs, and even – considering its size – possibly hatchling dinosaurs.”
This Beelzebufo is said to be closely related to modern South American frogs known as “Pac-Men” because of their huge mouths. But they say that this Beelzebufo is much larger than any of its relatives or any other living frogs. As if it had taken steroids. Some say it is meaner than any of its brethren. Though scientists say that this “devil frog” resides in Madagascar, some of its modern-day cousins are said to live in South America. Scientists indicated that it jumped continents using a land bridge that connected Madagascar, Antarctica and South America.
For me, the discovery of this species is quite interesting. I don’t expect that there is a species like this would exist. An amphibian that weighs 10 pounds and have a length of 16 inches long would live in Earth long ago. But I think this is a great discovery in the field of science.
-Joseph Karlo F. Babera
Friday, February 29, 2008
The Geologic Timetable - The Earth’s Clock
Extinct species are species when it no longer exists.
Species become extinct when there is
no more reproduction and
its population drops to zero.
There are different time span during which organisms evolved and it’s divided into 4 different eras- which is the Pre- Cambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. Each era is further divided into periods (Epochs) and the different number of years included. Likewise the eras are characterized by the kind of multicellular life that appeared. It shows this time frame and the characteristics of life forms that evolved during each era. An era is a large division of time used by geologist to divide Earth’s history.
The Earth has a “clock” to inform us what and when things happened during those years. The Earth’s past history, with the help of a record in the rocks, is called geologic time scale. This timetable of the Earth’s history and was constructed by the geologists. How did they come up with this “clock”? More than 100 years ago, researchers noticed that some layers often appeared in the same vertical order wherever they were found. It is the position of the layers relative to each other that determines their age. Lower layers are older than upper layers, provided that the layers have not been disturbed since they were formed. Relative dating is a technique used by scientists to determine the age of fossils relative with other fossils in various layer of rock.
In my simple research I realized that we have different life and time span, also that we have layer or different stages in life. I would like to share a simple quotation from H. G. Wells “The past is but the beginning of the beginning, and all that is and has been is but the twilight of the dawn. A day will come when beings who are now latent in our thoughts and hidden in our lions… shall laugh and reach out their hands amid the stars”. I realized that past is past and present is present hat we should be focused in what were doing and in that past experience should be corrected. With that you should face it with light, also there will come a time that you would buried in our hearts and soul. Just face your latent thoughts with a midst of other people guiding you.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Can We Still Save Them?
Many people is destroying our environment, and as you know that we can help the endangered species that are living in that particular habitat. You can just not only help them but you can also help yourselves because you are a part of the group of Homo sapiens living in this particular planet which you stand on, actually it's not only humans who lives in this planet, the animals and the plants which is both gift from God. The animals who sometimes we kill just for our food, and sometimes there are groups who supports the vegetarians who is not killing animal species for their food. We all know that we can really save the endangered species that troubles us, for non-existing in this world in the next centuries to come.
Of course we can still save them by just cleaning or maybe organizing their own clean habitat that is very limited to find as of these days. Because of the destructible human activities, that most of us humans do even though we don't know that is affecting our environment not just only ours but also to the other living things, living here in our planet. It just says that we must not do any other things without thinking about it, because it could destroy some parts of the habitat of the particular animal specie.
Because of human activities, some animals are migrating to other places where there are no destructible human activities happening so that they can live peacefully, and have the right amount of food and shelter. But the question is, is there any clean places where they can migrate as of now, where there are many humans who just care for themselves. Unfortunately, there are not enough animal habitats, where they could live. Why there are many humans caring for themselves, and they don't even know that there are other species who are living at planet Earth, not just them, humans.
Yes, we can still save them. Even though it's kinda late, we must give our one hundred percent dedication in saving such species whose are endangered as of the present time. In the way we help in saving our mother nature, it is the way too for thanking God for all the blessings we have received, even sometimes we don't appreciate it like the way God gives everything each other have's as of now. I think that each one of us don't like their own things be destroyed, it's like too with the endangered species in this planet they just want some care just of not destroying their shelters. Do you want that the worst things that happened to the depleting species of this time, happen to you. Saving the wildlife is like you save also your self because the nature or the Earth is both your home so if you save their home it is like you save you're own hometown. We are both animals but we are just higher form of animal, so it seems to be not right to destroy their environment because it is also our environment so if we are destroying their environment, it looks like that we are destroying our own environment. So it's the time to open your eyes in all the things, good or bad that we have done to the environment and make the Earth to be a better place to live on for animals nor humans.
-Anna Camille V. Villanueva
Why Do Animals Need Us?
First some animals provide us with food, clothing and other materials. If they disappear, we'll lose those things. Some animals may be useful in ways we don't yet know... Also, animals make the world beautiful and interesting place. If we lose them,it shows how little we care for them, for the world and for ourselves.
Many people believe that we should save animals just because they exist. Animals have as much right to be on this planet as we do, and we should treat them with the same kindness as we'd wish for ourselves.
Everyone can help to save endangered animals. We can join groups that are trying to protect them. We can be careful about the things we buy, And we can take less from the natural world and make less mess around us.
Why do animals need us? In most cases, animals are becoming endangered because of things that people do.animals can not speak so they need some of us to speak for them. And they need us to stop the bad things that other people do and save them.
-Gypt Minierva
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Depleting Species
Species are endangered today around the world due to the effects of human activities.
The only permanent in this world is change. Meaning to say, the things we want most and need could only be acquired when time gives it to us, and even unwanted things. Time could also get, whether you like it or not, some things you should loose and let go off by a moment. These things have the ability to change human life style and the world.
The idea is that the world is changing as time pass by. I should tell you that at this very moment, some animals are already extinct and the reason why this continues to happen is because of abusive human activities.
It is very sad to say that animals of some type are slowly vanishing and yet there are no discoveries of other new species. So as a living thing, why don’t you help conserve these animals that we could also call as “treasures of the earth”? They do have the right to live in peace because they share a part in this world. They supply our needs in terms of food (e.g. milk of cow), clothing (i.e. from different skin of animals), protection (like of dogs that guard our houses) and so many more. Always remember the earth is not for us only.
Even you are only one, your care for animals count for if we combine altogether, we can win against the people intentionally harming this world and those who are illegally doing activities like illegal loggers on the first place that cut young trees instead of old ones that results to the lose of their habitat called deforestation. Think about it before it's too late and before time runs out.
“The nature has given man one tongue and two ears, that we may hear twice more than we speak.” -Epictetus
-Eric James H. Pastor
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
They Need Us...♥♥♥

Those irresponsible and undisciplined people are so insane to destroy the habitats of the animals in wild life. And these leads to endangerment. Those people are not aware of the mistakes that they are doing. They are just aware of the money they'll get after those bad deeds. There are so many animals who are suffering because of those deeds that they keep on doing.
Sometimes, i just want to let them feel what the animals are feeling. I want to ask them, "what would you feel if i will destroy your home in just one click?". And i guess making them feel or just simply letting them know what the animals feeling would teach them a lesson. And if they will not listen nor learn, let's give them a lesson.
Those species are really a great help in our daily life. they could help us for our medicinal, agricultural, ecological, commercial and recreational needs and yet, we are not treating them well.Let's just return our favors to them. let us treat them well. I guess we all have the rights to protect ourselves in this world. As well as THEM.
-Denise Nepomuceno
The Gray Wolf
my Reaction:
-Karlo Miguel Hervera
Monday, February 25, 2008
Take a Stand, Save the Wildlife
Take a stand. Think about humans gradually decreasing. We slowly become endangered and then extinct. What would we feel? What if we become the victims of hunting or our homes have been destroyed? Will we like it?
I do not think we would enjoy if species of our kind were decreasing and our homes were destroyed. We might say, “What about human rights?” It is just too bad that animals could not talk because if they can, they would probably say, “Then what about considering animal rights as well?” It might sound funny or awkward yet isn’t there truth in this sarcasm?
I remember reporting all about wildlife depletion in our Biology class. That is when I found out that the estimated number of species that goes extinct everyday ranges from 40 to 100. It is very alarming indeed but only a few knows about this fact, better yet only a few knows what to do and what actions they should take regarding this fact.
Whether you are human or not we have rights, and those rights should remain respected. The only answer to wildlife depletion is wildlife conservation. Nobody could do this but us humans. Let us prove that we are not only the superior organisms in terms of mental and physical capacity but in dealing and protecting the animals as well. We are all connected to each other and so we must protect each other.
-Kate Kathleen S. Sim
Sunday, February 24, 2008
One for All, All for One, One by One
Would you let this happen? Would you let this POOR little creature to disappear forever? This is a tortured cow. If this torturing wouldn't stop, what will happen to the animals?
There are so many creatures of Earth that is now endangered and few of their species became, sadly, extinct. Why do you think these happen? It’s because of us. Our greed pushes their kind to death and we almost punctured their numbers. I believe in connections in Biology. If we would kill one animal, it would affect many things. For example, if you would bump with your car a dog of your neighbor; it will die; its owner would be mad on you; he/she would report you and many more connections. What if the owner suicide? Didn't you think those things that might happen?
So many animals are being tortured everyday and many people just ignore this because they are not yet affected, but, what if the time when he/she became very affected? That is the time he/she will only work, but, when she worked, did she change what had happened to him/her? “Ang pagsisisi ay laging nasa hulihan.” Try working out before everything else.
Many people disregard giving protection to ALL animals. Don’t just help your own specie, help also the others. Do you want to live with only your species reigning? The Eden of Earth would be flabbergasted not because of beauty but because of emptiness. Without those poor creatures, why not just destroy the planet? It is nonsense if we would still live without those animals we continue to kill and endanger. Stop being selfish and start acting now!
Time to make a difference, we can still stop this insanely and humanely activities that keeps endangering those animals. Spread the good news to everyone you know. Tell them what you feel about other animals. Start working now. It’s never too late until we stop these things. Do you still want to see more Green Sea Turtles or Giant Pandas? What about the Tiger or the Wombat; The Snow Leopard or our very own, Philippine Eagle? Then, start working now! Protect them now!
Would you still like to see those Arctic fox that is really cute? Or the Tarsier that we, Filipinos could be proud of? Why are we letting this happen? I just recently realize that we don't take appreciation of those little treasures we have. We only take considerations when something bad already happened. What if the race of Pig or Cows disappear because of us? It is not yet visible but for me, all animals threatened by us are endangered even though it is still maintained.
We can all make great things possible. Animals are simply amazing! Would you let these treasures to disappear? We can join organizations that help the animal protection like PAWS, PETA and more! Or just start it inside us. We can help protecting the animals rught now by stopping right now hurting those animals!
Those poor little creatures of Earth depend ONLY on us. Only US have the power to save them from US, also. We did those things that destroy their number and we need to restore it. Moderate our greed, as they said. Will this money you would earn in killing these animals still be worthy if there is nothing to buy? I mean if those cow, chicken, fish and pigs become extinct, will there be food for all except for vegetables and fruits? What if these plants became also extinct because we only not threaten the animals but also the plants? Would this planet be perfect and pretty if there would be only Humans, Bacteria, Fungi and Protists? We can still eat those mushrooms, but not all the times. Bacteria will destroy us if we would not eat nutritious food. Did you get the logic of connection from the endangerment and being extinct of the animals?
Remember that “Only one species will save it all and all species rely only on one specie – think about it”; this is based on the Animal Planet channel. Remember, start working things out, when it is still not too late. We can protect them one by one and everything would go back to normal where Animals live peacefully. Never let the bad effects happen to you. Save them. Love them. Care them. Protect them.
-Carlos Emmanuel A. Quiapo
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Blockbuster Movie of the Infinite Year : "Earth's Stage Play" - Starring: Humans as the 'BIG BOSS' and Animals as the 'SLAVES'
Top 5 Most Endangered Animals
- Diceros bicornis (Black Rhino)
- Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Giant Panda)
- Panthera tigris (Tiger)
- Huso huso (Beluga Sturgeon)
- Macroclemys temminckii (Alligator Snapping Turtle)
According to World Wildlife Federation (WWF), the above animals are the most endangered species. Ever wonder, what animals are those? Those animals are in there scientific names to be more specific. (Trivia: When typing the scientific names in the computer, capitalize the first letter of the first word and italicize it, example: Cocos nucifera; Cocos nucifera is the scientific name of the coconut) Meanwhile back to the ranch, as I said, those species are in their scientific names, and the words after them are their common names. They are now endangered because of us. Want to know why?
The planet Earth, the place where we live, is shared by millions of species of living things. This wide variety of life in earth is called biodiversity. This high biodiversity keeps us away from being endangered and extinct, but as we can see nowadays, there are many endangered species and soon they will be extinct. Some species become extinct because of non-human forces just like calamities and catastrophes but many others are becoming endangered or threatened with extinction because of the human activities, OUR activities.
People have lived on earth for many thousands of years. For a long time people thought thae Earth was so huge that it could easily absorb human wastes and pollution. And they thought that Earth's natural resources would never be used up. And worst is we thought that we are the only living life form here on Earth. At first we only use a little of our resources and it had only a small impact to our environment but as time went on our population boosts and needs more production of food that's why we continue doing human activities that can harm animals and plants like illegal cutting of trees and poaching, not knowing that it has big domino effects in our environment including the extinction of some species. We share this planet with trees, flowers, insects, fish, whales, dogs and many other plants and animals. Each species of animal or plant has its place on earth, and each one is dependent on the others. We, too, are dependent to other living things; remember the food chain, if one is gone others will be affected and soon die. We, Humans are not exempted to that concept that's why we must care for them before it's too late and before we, also become extinct.
Remember that we are not the only living life form here on Earth, also remember that WE ARE NOT THE BIG BOSS AND THE ANIMALS ARE NOT OUR SLAVES, so we must take care of them. You know what, if they could only speak to us they would tell us: "You, Humans are just dependent on us, on our meat, our fur and the like, and we provide those for you to fulfill your needs, so you'll live long, so you'll survive. We had good connections and communications for the last million years but now you are ABUSING us. If we could just discontinue supplying your needs, we'll discontinue it, but we can't because we care for you." - See, animals care for us so let's care for them too. Efforts to reduce pollutants in air, water, soil, to preserve rainforests and to limit other deforestation and overharvesting help to preserve biodiversity. A few species that were once endangered now will probably survive. Why wait for them to be extinct, let us now work hand-in-hand to save those animals. Let us start saving them, not only the top five but all animals in the world, because if all animals will be extinct it will affect us, because we are in chain and if one will be gone, a domino affect will happen. Let us now show our care and concern for them.
-Christine Joyce M. Palcone